Nothing is worse than being on a "tug of war" team that someone "gives up". That person becomes a burden on the team. Not only do they not do "their part", but it requires the rest of the team to absorb their responsibility. Even worse is when the entire team gives up. There is no chance of success. Unfortunately, life is like a tug of war and especially today, too many are "giving up". They are selfish and are only thinking of themselves and not the "team". WE CAN NOT GIVE UP! As followers of Christ, it is our responsibility to continue to pull on the rope. If we don't, there is no chance of success.
Lord, we are the SALT of the world and the world is meat that if we don't apply our "saltiness", the meat will become rotten meat, because that is what happens to meat when there is no salt. We can't blame the meat for being meat. But we are to blame for not being SALT.