Dependence is an interesting concept. We depend on food to survive, but the type of food we need to consume to survive is still under debate. We depend on oxygen to live but the air we breathe is not only full of oxygen but also other impurities, so we have adapted to the less than pure oxygen. We depend on water, and clean water is best but clean is relative and we can function a day or two without water. Because we are human and tend to group ideas into the same constructs, we unfortunately see God as the same way as food, or oxygen or water. We understand the dependence on God but like food, we choose “what type of God we want”. Like oxygen, we have learned to be content with less than a pure understanding of God and what he truly is. And like water, we feel we can “go without Him for a while” and still function properly.
Lord, I need food, I need water, I need oxygen and I need You always.