Is our purpose to seek comfort or is our purpose to seek completeness in God. If it is comfort, then our main priority would be to find the easiest path through life. We wake up in the morning and attempt to find the least trouble or inconvenience. We should avoid discomfort and find the easy way. However, if our purpose is to be complete in God, then we shouldn't seek weaknesses or insults or hardships or persecution or difficulties but we should not complain as much about them when they occur, either. We should see these threats to our comfortable lives as opportunities to ask God for help and for His strength. God's power is made complete only through our weaknesses. When we attempt to rely on our own strength, we limit the opportunity for God to work in us and through us.
Lord, I don't know if I am bold enough to ask for weakness but help me to at least see weakness as an opportunity for growth and relying on you and not a threat to my easy life.