Being scared is a human creation. We are scared because we don't trust. We don't trust ourselves when we are standing on a tall bridge and/or we don't trust what will happen if we fall. We are scared of a little bug because we don't trust that we are bigger and stronger than the bug and feel that some how the bug is going to cause unknown pain or harm and we don't trust our ability to suck it up and deal with the little stinging feeling. We are scared of public speaking because we don't trust our words and we are too consumed with what other people think and fail to realize most people are so self-consumed that they probably aren't paying attention to us anyway and if they do dislike our words, oh well, they'll forget about us 10 seconds after we are done and wonder if that zit on their face is getting bigger. We are scared of the dark because we don't trust that the 'boogie man (or woman)' is hiding somewhere ready to devour us because we have seen all the 'boogie people' reports on the interweb and those are to be trusted. We are scared of death because we fail to trust that God loves us enough to send His only Son so that we would have eternal life.
Lord, help me to trust in You and not be scared of things I make up in my head.