A lot of uncertainty exists right now and that is making everyone considerably more anxious than usual. We don't typically function well when we don't know what is going on. Sure, a little uncertainty is understandable, but a lot of uncertainty makes us feel helpless. We may not be in as much control as we prefer, but we are far from helpless. God has given us a simple instruction on how we should not only deal with the circumstances that we face today, but the challenges of yesterday and tomorrow. We must trust and depend on God. It isn't a suggestion. It is a command. We must put His priorities of loving Him and loving others before our own goals of comfort and selfish desires and wants. God can is using this time in history to bring us closer to Him and providing an unprecedented opportunity to help others come to know Him more. It is our fault if we waste the opportunity to grow ourselves and to help others to grow. And when we decide to trust, God will provide a peace that only He can provide.
Lord, thank you for giving a plan to deal with the challenges I face today and tomorrow and always and help give me the strength to trust in your plan and not rely on my own inferior thoughts and emotions.