Goal Setting
Mental Toughness
Relaxing under Pressure
Present Moment
Now, what do these actually mean …
Goal Setting – do you set goals, set reasonable goals, set goals that motivate you, set goals that keep you on the path toward success?
Motivation – are you internally motivated to move yourself from where you are now to where you want to be? Do you value your goals enough to sacrifice and to get uncomfortable?
Mental Toughness – the ability to respond to an adverse situation in an expedient manner. Can you bounce back when things don’t go your way or as expected?
Relaxing under Pressure – realizing that pressure is self-induced and you must cope with those negative thoughts that YOU create. The first step is identifying the source of the pressure, which is YOU and no one else so you therefore have control over that pressure.
Confidence – belief in yourself and your ability to achieve specific tasks
Present Moment – live in the now. Focus on the present. Don’t worry about the past as it is history. Don’t worry about the future as you aren’t there yet.
Aggressiveness – Intensity. Assertiveness. The correct amount of assertion or intensity or arousal in your events. Don’t be angry. Don’t be out of control. Find intensity. Put in more effort.