A "throw away line" refers to a remark that sounds unimportant at the time because of the way the person says it. Comedians often use throw away lines to set up a joke later on in their set. We often go through life saying or doing things that seem unimportant at the time and meaningless (a throw away line), yet those words and action are seen or heard and mean something to someone. Words and actions have impact and sometimes, consequences. "The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy." Florence Scovel Shinn
When our attitude is "C's get degrees" or "It is what it is" or "That's OK", then our results will equal that mediocre attitude and effort. "The qualities of our expectations determine the quality of our actions." Andres Godin
If you hate losing, it doesn't make you competitive. It simply makes you human. I have never found anyone who loves losing. Everyone would rather win than lose. Some understand losing and it's place in the world but given a choice, we all would prefer winning over losing. Competitive people experience winning and losing differently. "Losing feels worse than winning feels good". Vin Scully Those who experience losing will find every way possible (within the rules) to find a way to avoid losing and achieve winning. "Competitors… A relentless, fearless, focused attitude overcomes all distractions and circumstances." Bruce Bowen
Humans are product oriented and "stuff" has value to us. However, who we are is more important than what we own or what we achieve. They say "you never see a hearse pulling a U-Haul trailer" and "you can't take it with you". Having goals and pursuing those goals is incredibly valuable to our growth but how we choose to pursue those goals matters. "By choosing to embrace and practice good values every day, you may not always get what you desire, but you will always be the person you desire to be." John Maxwell
At the moment that we commit to something, it usually means we have determined it to be a priority in our life and/or that it has a high level of value to us. At that moment. The problem is that we are human beings and our emotions often fade, along with motivation and focus. We get distracted. Something more "shiny" comes along and pulls us from our previous objective. "SQUIRREL"!!!! Dedication steps in when distractions pull us away from our path. "What do you value?" "What is your goal" "Are you truly dedicated to it?" If you are, you will remove distractions and push forward when other things are pulling you away. "It's hard to be consistent at something if you aren't dedicated to it." Coach K
Keep It Simple Silly (didn't want to trigger anyone). We often make life too complicated. The basics are the basics for a reason. "Keep calm by making sure you don't concentrate on anything you can't control." Unknown
We often confuse "difficult" as "impossible". We also confuse "possible" as "worth our time". The fact is that anything worth accomplishing in life will require sacrifice, failure and struggle. The more sacrifice, the more failure and the more struggle simply makes the success that much more valuable. "Difficult" should be seen as a motivator as the the accomplishment will have even more value to us "The more difficult the victory, the greater the happiness in winning." Pele
"Believing in people before they have proven themselves is the key to motivating people to reach their potential." John Maxwell. However, sometimes there frankly aren't people who believe in you or maybe they just aren't communicating that belief very clearly. So is the only alternative to wait for someone to come along and say "You can do it. I believe in you"? No. You may end up waiting a long time or forever. Self-Motivation. Self-Confidence. Self-Belief. These are not only the solution to the problem of not being supported, but it is these three skills that should be the primary force to our drive to achieve our goals, and not simply the last resort when others fail to meet your needs. "Believe in YOURSELF before you have proven that you can do something and CONTINUE to believe in yourself until you have exhausted every opportunity to succeed." Toby Schwarz
If a tree falls on you in a forest, will you make a sound? "Lonely at the top" is not simply a quaint one liner but a scientific fact. Success has it's value but that value is minimized when there is no one to share in that success. The more people you help along the path to your goals and the more people you bring with you to the top of your "mountain", the more valuable will be the experience. "Success is not counted by how high you have climbed, but by how many people you brought with you." Wil Rose
Never make an important decision when you are sick or tired. Emotions are typically too high and rational thoughts are typically too low. And remember that good choices are rarely made between the hours of 10pm - 2am, especially when the lights are out.. "It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it." John Steinbeck
November 2023
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