An expectation is "a strong belief or guarantee that something will happen." In athletics, there are no guarantees. Too many variables exist. To expect a specific result is only setting yourself up for disappointment and that is a source of undue stress. The only expectations that one should ever have are behaviors that they have complete control over. Expectations to be committed, to work hard, to sacrifice, and to give the best effort possible are realistic expectations. Expecting to run a specific time and finish in a specific place are completely random and are out of your control due to the other individuals in the race or the conditions of the race. Unrealistic expectations lead to most of life’s disappointments and sadness.
For example …
To expect the fifth graph is unwise. To seek the fifth graph is our goal.
For example …
- We expect our lives, seasons, results (times) to resemble the first graph (below). Constantly improving in a positive direction with no setbacks or bad days. This is ideal or idealism. This is unrealistic. Having this for an expectation is setting you up for lots of crying. Being optimistic is one thing but believing that hard work always pays off or that if I only think correctly will lead to success is flawed.
- The second graph is typical of most people who are reactive in life. They do what feels good and when things go wrong, they let their emotions dictate their actions and attitude. They feel like working out, so they do and they have success. Then they don’t workout and end up doing worse. They expect graph one but experience graph two.
- We dread the third graph. It is the least desired scenario but is common for those who are injured and never get healthy or people who expect life to hand them everything. They fail and they see failure as an excuse to do less instead of doing more or to do different. They tend to be victims and complain about things more than finding solutions for their problems.
- Those who leave their performance to chance by not doing everything possible to increase the probability of success should expect the fourth graph. Working hard increases the probability for success but for any gaps that you leave open to chance, then life will take advantage of that in a negative way.
- The fifth graph can be reality if we choose to do all that we can to reach our goals. However, we must see the plateaus as they are, which is part of the process, and not see them as failure or going backwards. Even going backwards is part of the process often times (notice the little dips on the plateaus. We strive for the fifth graph, it is the best case scenario. If we are intentional about life and we do everything right and everything goes your way, the fifth graph is possible … not guaranteed but probable.
To expect the fifth graph is unwise. To seek the fifth graph is our goal.