We've all been there. Talking in a group and someone brings up a topic or past experience and then others chime in with their own story or experience in attempts to "top" the previous one. Jesus always wins the "topper game". Us: "rough day at work, couldn't find a parking space, ran out of milk for breakfast, had to go to a meeting that was boring, felt tired all day, forgot to record my favorite show on my DVR, fell asleep on the couch because I was so tired". Jesus: "went on trial for something I didn't do, was brutally beaten for something I didn't say, was crucified on a cross (I am skipping a few details for time sake), thrown in a tomb, but then my Father rose me from the dead." Game over.
Lord, help me to realize that my day could always be worse but it can also never be better because I have been risen to life with You.